Postnatal Services
I offer support during your first days as a new parent or a growing family. You will soon gain confidence in the practical skills of caring for your newborn baby (or babies!). I can support you with whatever parenting or feeding methods you choose. I can help to maintain a ‘cocoon-like’ environment for you and your baby, allowing you freedom to enjoy getting to know each other without distraction. A ‘Babymoon’ will help you to bond with your baby, or enjoy un-interrupted skin to skin contact, time to establish feeding, or comfort to recover from the birth.
Support will mean different things to different families, so please let me know how I can help. I can support with feeding, handling, bathing, changing, settling baby. I can help with light household duties (dishes, hanging laundry, ironing, feed pets water plants etc), running your bath or watching baby while you shower, dress or rest. I can answer the door/telephone and make your excuses if you need to sleep. I will be in your home and respect your privacy. My main purpose is to support you to have time, freedom and space to relax, get to know your baby and gain confidence at trusting your own instincts. They are always right!
Having a postnatal Doula may be about having the practical reassurance that there is another pair of hands, or you may need more emotional reassurance. I am not there to tell you how to do things, but to help you find your own way of doing things that work for you, your baby and your family.
I know (and remember clearly!) how overwhelming it can feel with your new baby, whether its your first, second or third......or more... I will be there, in a non judgemental way, to support and help until you are feeling more comfortable. Just remember, you never need to be clean/tidy or even out of your PJ'S before I turn up!
I have experience with many postnatal issues and problems. I can support those recovering from caesarean section, instrumental or traumatic delivery, or complicated personal circumstances. (Please see menu for obstetric consultant pregnancy). I can offer support with breast/chest feeding, expressing, mixed or bottle/formula feeding, jaundiced, or low birth weight babies. Some babies may require extra support if they have special needs, have a tongue tie, cleft lip/palate, or babies returning from the special care baby unit (SCBU otherwise known as neonatal unit (NNU). I am a Postnatal Doula registered with Doula UK, and a qualified Nursery Nurse (NNEB).
Postnatal support times
This would be at times to suit your individual needs and can be flexible.
Daytime support anytime between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday (minimum 3 hours visit, weekends limited availability)
from £20 per hour*
You may want all sessions close together for a short period of time (e.g. all in first two weeks) or spread out, as little as you wish per week for a longer time. You may just feel a 3 hour visit once a week is enough for you.
If you find that you would like postnatal Doula support at a later date do contact me (until around 9 months after birth).
Postnatal Message/Phone support
Live video calls/Whatsapp/email/text messaging support during the first 6 weeks.
Practical and emotional support.
Providing a space to talk about what you may be feeling in those first days and weeks with your new baby. Offering evidence based reliable information, as well as unbiased, nurturing, reassuring support.
Being listened to while you naigate each new situation, may make all the difference to your confidence in TRUSTING YOUR OWN PARENTING INSTINCTS.
Maternity Nurse Service-Nights/Days
I am a qualified NNEB Nursery Nurse and offer a Maternity Nurse service, nights only, days only, or 24 hour 'live in' support. Please contact me with your specific needs. I have appropriate insurance and DBS checks. All areas UK and abroad considered.
Day =£25 per hour, book 3--5 hours=£20 per hour
Night =£25 per hour or £20 per hour for10 hours
24 hours live-in support available at negotiable rate.
*Please contact me if you would like support but have financial concerns/on income support. Doula UK AND Doulas without Borders also offer support.
IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING WITH ANTENATAL OR POSTNATAL DEPRESSION, FEELING ISOLATED, ANXIOUS, STRUGGLING TO SLEEP- Please message, there is free support available that I will help you to access, you are not alone.
If you are living in Torbay call free, confidential befriending service:
Little Bluebell Buddy 07955 286 084